Building a Raised Deck: What You Need to Know Before You Commit

Any potential issues that may arise while building a deck closer to the ground can be minimized by understanding how to construct a raised deck. When it comes to a difference between a lower-set deck and a raised one, moisture damage is significantly less of a concern, and the likelihood of an insect infestation is significantly decreased. Creating a level platform that may stretch from the back of the house and bring the inside and outside closer together is only one of the many benefits it provides. And, regardless of the size of your garden, there are many clever garden decking ideas that can be implemented.

When it comes to planning the endeavor of building this particular house extension, planning comes first. Consider how broad and, more crucially, how tall you want the decking to be. The material you choose is also crucial because it needs to be sturdy enough to support the weight of a raised deck. Excellent choices include pressure-treated wood, resistant softwoods, composite timber, and metal framing.

In this article, we will give you an in-depth overview of everything there is to consider before you set out to construct a raised deck around your house’s premises.

Three-Step Guide to Building a Raised Deck

Step 1: Prepare The Foundation

Draw a perimeter of the future deck around the area, and, if required, clean up any grass or debris within it. A joist must be fastened against the wall if you’re fastening a raised deck to the house.

Each post footing hole should be dug at least 6 inches below the depth at which the earth freezes in your area. If you want better drainage, compact the bottom layer and add a few inches of gravel. Fill the holes with structurally sound concrete, secure the metal post anchor at the top, and wait a day or two for it to harden. Before the concrete sets, you must verify that each post anchor is level with the others.

Step 2: Install Beams, Joists and Posts

Once the concrete has dried, use structural screws to attach the decking posts to the metal footing anchor. After that, begin connecting the support beams to the posts while once more ensuring levelness using a long level for this type of work. The decking posts must be trimmed to the proper lengths. The rim joists, which serve as the decking’s outside framing, should then be attached. Prior to screwing it into place, make sure it is square.

The floor joists are the next thing to go onto. Decking brackets are used to fasten the floor joists after marking the joist spacing along the support. When required, bracing is an option. Last but not least, cut them to length and fasten the front rim joist.

Step 3: Construct the Decking

Start installing the decking boards after constructing the subframe, either inside the frame or outside the rim joists. Establish the spacing between each post and use bracers and anchors to attach them. The decking boards should next be put in place and secured.

Using this general guideline should help you navigate your plan for installing a raised deck as an extension for your property. However, you might run into nuances that you may not know how to navigate in the best manner possible. We will try to cover the most common questions that arise from this endeavor.

Building Raised Deck On a Slope

Building a raised deck on an uneven surface is fairly similar to doing so on a flat surface. But while planning your deck, you’ll need to consider how steep the slope is. Compared to hard landscaping materials like brick and concrete, such as, wood is a very adaptable and simple to work material. As a result, it is simpler to design various levels and add stages as necessary.

However, you must be careful to pick the appropriate wood or composite decking for the structure you are creating. Make sure to choose carefully because there are other possibilities available.

Pick Appropriate Deck Size

Although there is a typical option for decking joists, not every deck will be the same. For better drainage and airflow, 4 by 2 joists should be used and elevated off the ground. However, 50×50 plastic battens, which are incredibly strong and long-lasting, are becoming more popular. The optimum joist for you will depend on the kind and quality of the decking that is being utilized, as well as how much additional support it may require.

Attaching A Raised Deck to Your House

You must link your deck to your house in order to make it robust and stable. Using a ledger, this is accomplished. This piece of wood serves as the framework for the decking and is fastened to the house with screws and bolts. For the job to be done properly, you must use pressure-treated wood, which is more resistant to moisture and has a longer lifespan than untreated wood. The best decking paint on the market can assist further extend the life of the wood.

You must flash the ledger in order to keep water away from it. This shields the ledger from water that drips from the house’s side. To seal the seam and make it waterproof, you can use metal, lead, or special tape to secure the seams.

Deck Boarding Direction

The decking boards must run parallel to the house since in a typical deck construction, the joists will run away from the house. The decking planks should run away from the house if the joists are parallel to it.

How any falling and collecting rainwater will be running from the boards is something else to think about when considering how to orient your deck boarding. This approach is best to consider if you are utilizing the common grooved decking boards. In order to guide the water away from the home, this should point away from the house. Additionally, a gradient slope should be used to aid with water drainage. For every meter of decking board, this should be about 10mm. The slope will naturally help water drain away from smooth decking boards, but more critically, you will need a 5mm or slightly larger space to allow the water to drain away.

The decking planks may become slippery if algae and mold are allowed to develop on them as a result of rainwater. Therefore, you must understand how to make decking non-slip to prevent terrible incidents.

Filling Underside Of Your Deck

A deck should often have a few items underneath it to keep it in good shape. The first step should be to lay down landscape cloth to assist prevent any grass or weeds from sprouting up under the deck. To aid in drainage and to help prevent the growth of vegetation, this should be covered with gravel or broken stones. It will prevent recurring pools of water from accumulating, which can promote plant development and help keep moisture away from wood.

However, wood is not the only material available for decking. Typically, wood decking loses out to composite decking because the latter is less prone to dampness. However, to prevent undesired grass and weeds from encroaching on your decking platform, you still need at least one layer of fabric.

Legal Approval Requirements

The size and height of the decking will determine whether or not Permitted Development paperwork is required. Deck construction falls under Permitted Development if it satisfies specific requirements. Three crucial points to bear in mind are: along with other additions, the decking mustn’t extend higher than 30 cm from the ground and shouldn’t completely enclose the area. It also should not cross over or encroach upon the property of others.

You will need Planning Permission if your plans fall outside of any of these parameters. If you’re unsure whether any less usual requirements might apply to your building, request clarification from your local planning authority or hire a company that provides services around obtaining legal permission and submitting your construction plans for appropriate legalization.

It might seem apparent, but you must consider the expense of the decking before you ever contemplate creating a raised deck. You won’t need to bother about obtaining Planning Permission if it turns out to be a non-viable financial choice right now.

And this concludes our raised deck considerations overview. It’s our hope that, with the help of this article, you understand how to approach your idea to expand upon your property with a stylish, functional choice of adding a raised deck to the exterior of your property, which will undoubtedly raise your property value, but also make your house that much more connected with the outdoors.

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